3 Month, Money
Back Guarantee

We're so confident that our club will increase your (or your child's) self-confidence through jiu-jitsu training...

That we offer a 100% money back guarantee for your first three (3) months...

With no lock-in contract!

Oh, and all our prices are on our main website (link above).Unlike other clubs, we don't hide anything nor do sneaky sales practises!

Please Contact Me About:
  Kids Classes
  Adults Classes

Step One

Submit your details above to be sent information about a FREE week of training at SCJJA in Caringbah.

Absolutely no contracts to sign or anything to pay during this week.

Step Two

If you liked your first few classes, then enrol in our 14 Week Foundation Programme.

This programme is aimed at complete beginners and you can start at any time.

Step Three

After your initial 3 months, if we didn't deliver on everything we promised, we'll refund every cent you paid.

But more than likely, you'll stick around (on a reduced rate) to enjoy the many benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!